Human Services

Jen Pack

A core part of a community is that we can lean on each other. Our city should not be any different, and yet for so many, childcare, eldercare, and professional development are beyond their means. Seattle can do so much more to expand access to these services by partnering with the private sector, state, and county to push for investment in these industries.


  • Offer universal access to childcare for pre-elementary school kids, or partner with childcare providers to use vouchers to pay for childcare. Alternatively, a tax credit on money spent on childcare to remove the burden from those who cannot afford to spend an average of $13,000 a year for childcare while they are at work.
  • Ensure ADA compliance and expand transit to ensure people with disabilities are able to traverse the city and access opportunities wherever they are. This includes building sidewalks, ensuring building ramps, and even building wheelchair-accessible homes.
  • Work with King County to build a more comprehensive strategy for attracting and cultivating a thriving behavioral health industry. We can partner with providers to offer apprenticeships and other pathways to working in the industry, as well as protect workers’ rights to create a sustainable industry where no skilled worker feels burnt out.